Name the arteries participating in Trochanteric anastomosis.
It is situated near the trochanteric fossa of femur and provides branches to head of femur.
Arteries participating in trochanteric anastomosis are:
- Descending branch of superior gluteal artery (branch of internal iliac artery)
- Ascending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery.
- Ascending branch of medial circumflex femoral artery.
- A branch from inferior gluteal artery (branch of internal iliac artery).
Name the arteries participating in Cruciate anastomosis.
Arteries participating in cruciate anastomosis are:
- Transverse branch of medial circumflex femoral artery.
- Transverse branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery.
- Descending branch of inferior gluteal artery (branch of internal iliac artery).
- Ascending branch of first perforating artery (branch of profunda femoris).

Name the arteries involved in formation of longitudinal arterial anastomosis at the back of thigh.
It is located close to the insertion of adductor magnus on the posterior aspect of femur. A chain of longitudinal arterial anastomosis is formed by the:
- Ascending and descending branches of four perforating branches of profunda femoris artery and
- Superior muscular branch of the popliteal artery.
The ascending branch of first perforating artery takes part in the formation of cruciate anastomosis and the descending branch of the fourth perforating branch anastomoses with the muscular branch of the popliteal artery.
Describe arterial anastomosis around the knee joint.
It is formed:
- Above and medially by
- Descing genicular branch of femoral artery and
- Superior medial genicular branch of popliteal artery
- Below and medially by
- Saphenous branch of descending genicular artery and
- Inferior medial genicular branch of popliteal artery
- Above and laterally by
- Descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery and
- Superior lateral genicular branch of popliteal artery
- Below and laterally by
- Inferior lateral genicular branch of popliteal artery
- Anterior tibial recurrent artery ( branch of anterior tibial artery)
- Posterior tibial recurrent artery(branch of posterior tibial artery)
- Circumflex fibular artery (branch of posterior tibial artery)
The medial and lateral parts of anastomosis are connect by transverse channels abobe and below the patella.
Applied Aspect
Collateral circulation in ligation of femoral artery
In case of ligation of femoral artery above the origin of profundal femoris artery, the longitudinal anastomosis can provide collateral circulation between branch of internal iliac artery ( inferior gluteal artery – in cruciate anastomosis) and popliteal artery, thereby bypassing external iliac and femoral arteries.
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