
Describe location, shape, dimensions and extent  of pancreas.

 Pancreas is a soft lobulated composite gland which consists of both exocrine and endocrine parts.

  • Location: It lies almost horizontally across the posterior abdominal wall and occupies posterior part of epigastrium, umbilical and left hypochondriac regions (at the level of L1and L2). It is retroperitoneal.
  • Shape: It is roughly retort shaped.
  • Dimensions:
    • Length;12-15cm
    • Breadth: 3-4cm
    • Thickness: 1.5-2cm
    • Weight: 80-90gms.
  • Extent: It extends from concavity of duodenum to the hilum of spleen.

pancreas location

 What are the parts of pancreas?

Pancreas has following parts:

  • Head
  • Neck
  • Body
  • Tail
  • Uncinate process

Pancreas -parts


Head: It is the right enlarged part of the pancreas lodged in the duodenal curvature (formed by 1st, 2nd and 3rd parts of duodenum). From its lower portion a hook like process called uncinate process projects which is directed towards left. 

Neck: It is the constricted part at the junction of head and body of pancreas.

Body: Is the elongated tapering portion lies obliquely across the posterior abdominal wall. It is triangular in section and has:

  • 3 borders: superior, anterior and inferior. Anterior border provides attachment to transverse mesocolon.
  • 3 surfaces: anterior, posterior and inferior.

pancreas -borders and surfaces

Tail: Narrow end that lies between the two layers of lieno-renal ligament along with splenic vessels).

Describe the relations of pancreas?

Following are the relations of Pancreas:

Part of PpancreasAnterior RelationsPosterior Relations
HeadGall bladderBile duct
Firstt part of duodenumInferior vena cava
Transverse colon Right renal vessels
Coils of jejunum Right gonadal vesels
NeckPylorusFormation of portal vein
Leeser sac
Gastroduodenal artery
BodyStomach separated by lesser sacAorta and origin of superior mesenteric artery
Splenic and inferior mesenteric vein
Left renal vessels
left crus of diaphragm
Left kidney and suprarenal gland

Pancreas -relations

 Describe the ducts of pancreas.

Pancreatic ducts:  Exocrine part of the pancreas pours its secretions through two ducts, the main pancreatic duct and accessory pancreatic duct.         

Main pancreatic duct (Wirsung’s duct) 

  • Commences from the tail of the pancreas. 
  • It then passes through the body of the pancreas.
  • Following this it passes through the  lower part of  head.
  • Pierces posteromedial wall of 2nd part of duodenum.
  • Then joins bile duct and forms Ampulla of Vater.
  • Opens on the summit of major duodenal papilla ( 8-10cm. from the pylorus)

Ducts of pancreas

 Accessory pancreatic duct (Duct of Santorini)

  • Commences from uncinate process.
  • Passes upwards and towards right.
  • Crosses the main pancreatic duct.
  • Opens in 2nd part of duodenum on minor duodenal papilla (2cm. above the major duodenal papilla).

Describe the arterial supply of pancreas.

Head is supplied by superior and inferior pancreatico-duodenal arteries.

Neck body and tail are supplied by pancreatic branches of splenic artery.

pancreas blood supply

Applied Aspect 

Tail of pancreas contains maximum number of islets of Langerhans.

Therefore, while performing splenectomy care has to be taken to preserve the tail while ligating splenic vessels.

Annular pancreas

It is a congenital defect, in which the second part of duodenum is surrounded by pancreas. It causes narrowing and obstruction of the lumen of duodenum. It occurs due to abnormal embryological development. It can result from growth of a bifid ventral pancreatic bud around the duodenum. Instead of going dorsal to the duodenum to fuse with the dorsal bud, the two parts of the bifid ventral bud surround the duodenum, forming a pancreatic ring.

pancreas - annular

Cancer of head of pancreas

It may cause jaundice due to pressure upon bile duct which passes behind the head of pancreas. It may also cause portal hypertension due to pressure on portal vein.


Inflammation of pancreas is called pancreatitis. It is s often associated with collection of fluid in the lesser sac.

3 thoughts on “Pancreas

  1. Mam please can you upload easy and line diagrams so that we can draw in exams and clinical based questions as per new mci question paper.

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