Where is Pterygopalatine Fossa Located?
Location: Pterygopalatine fossa is a pyramidal space located deep to infratemporal fossa and below the apex of orbit.
Name the Structures that Form the Boundaries of Pterygopalatine Fossa.
Its boundaries are formed by the following structures:
- Anteriorly by posterior surface of maxilla.
- Posteriorly by pterygoid process and greater wing of sphenoid.
- Medially is the perpendicular plate of palatine bone.
- Laterally it is open, via pterygomaxillary fissure it is communicates with infratemporal fossa.
- Inferiorly the anterior and posterior walls meet i.e. maxilla and pterygoid process .
- Superiorly it is bounded by the body of sphenoid.
What are the Openings in the Pterygopalatine Fossa? Name the Structures
passing Through Them.
- Anteriorly: no openings.
- Posteriorly: Three openings are:
- Foramen rotundum: transmits maxillary nerve
- Pterygoid canal: transmits nerve to pterygoid canal.
- Palatovaginal canal: transmits pharyngeal nerves
- Medially: Spenopalatine foramen: transmits sphenopalatine artery and nasopalatine nerve.
- Laterally: Pterygomaxillary fissure: transmits 3rd part of maxillary artery .
- Inferiorly: Greater and lesser palatine canals which transmit greater and lesser palatine nerve and vessels .
- Anterosuperiorly: Inferior orbital fissure which transmits infraorbital nerve and vessels, zygomatic nerve and inferior ophthalmic vein.
Enumerate the Contents of Pterygopalatine Fossa.
- Maxillary nerve and its branches
- Pterygopalatine ganglion and its branches.
- Third part of maxillary artery and its branches.
For maxillary nerve, pterygopalatine ganglion and maxillary artery details, please click on the text highlighted in blue above.