Femoral, Profunda Femoris Arteries
What is the origin and course of Femoral artery? Origin: Femoral artery is continuation of external iliac artery at midinguinal point. Course: It enters the thigh by passing behind the inguinal ligament.Read More…
What is the origin and course of Femoral artery? Origin: Femoral artery is continuation of external iliac artery at midinguinal point. Course: It enters the thigh by passing behind the inguinal ligament.Read More…
Write the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of Muscles acting only on hip joint. Write the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of Muscles acting on both hip and knee joint.Read More…
What is the origin and root value of femoral nerve? WATCH VIDEO ON FEMORAL NERVE [CLICK HERE] Origin : Femoral nerve is the largest branch of lumbar plexus. Root value: Dorsal divisionRead More…
What is the location and extent of Adductor canal? WATCH VIDEO ON ADDUCTOR CANAL [CLICK HERE] It is also known as subsartorial canal or Hunter’s canal. Location and extent It isRead More…
Describe formation, compartments and contents of Femoral sheath. WATCH VIDEO ON FEMORAL SHEATH &FEMORAL HERNIA [Click Here] It is a funnel shaped fascial sheath that surrounds the upper part of femoral vesselsRead More…
Name the structures forming boundaries of femoral triangle. WATCH THE VIDEO ON FEMORAL TRIANGLE on Youtube [Click Here] Femoral triangle: It is a triangular depression located below the inguinal ligament in the upperRead More…
Ulnar Bursa, Radial Bursa and Digital Synovial Sheaths [expand title=”Show”] Radial and ulnar bursa Extent of ulnar and radial bursa . Continuity of ulnar and radial bursawith digital synovial sheaths. Digital synovialRead More…
Describe formation and branches of superficial and deep palmar arches. Superficial Palmar Arch is formed mainly by by the superficial palmar branch of the ulnar artery(on medial side) and contribution from oneRead More…
What are the boundaries of anatomical snuff box? It is a triangular depression seen on the lateral aspect of dorsum of hand when the thumb is extended. It is bounded by: LaterallyRead More…
Muscles of Hand [expand title=”Show”] Muscles of hand Origin, insertion, nerve supply and action of intrinsic muscles of hand. Details of lumbricals and interossei muscles.[/expand] Intrinsic Muscles of Hand and TheirRead More…