01Apr/22 SCAPULAR ANASTOMOSIS April 1, 2022Upper limb videos, videosanastomosis around scapula, scapula, scapular anatomosisPOONAM KHARB JANGHUSCAPULAR ANASTOMOSIS
31Mar/22 AXILLARY ARTERY March 31, 2022Upper limb videos, videosaxillary artery, axillary artery anatomy, branches of axillary artery, parts of axillary arteryPOONAM KHARB JANGHUAXILLARY ARTERY
31Mar/22 MIDPALMAR,THENAR & PULP SPACES OF HAND March 31, 2022Upper limb videos, videosmidpalmar space, pulp spaces of fingers, spaces of hand, thenar spacePOONAM KHARB JANGHUMIDPALMAR,THENAR & PULP SPACES OF HAND
30Mar/22 WINGING OF SCAPULA VIDEO March 30, 2022Upper limb videos, videoscause of winging of scapula, long thoracic nerve injury, serratus anterior, symptoms of winging of scapula, winged scapula, winging of scapulaPOONAM KHARB JANGHU
30Mar/22 KLUMPKE’S PARALYSIS VIDEO March 30, 2022Upper limb videos, videosbrachial plexus injury, Claw hand, complete claw hand, klumpk'es palsy, klumpke paralysis, Klumpke's paralysisPOONAM KHARB JANGHUKLUMPKE’S PARALYSIS
29Mar/22 LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE OF BREAST VIDEO March 29, 2022Upper limb videos, videoslymphatic drainage of breast, lymphatic drainage of mammary gland, mammary glandPOONAM KHARB JANGHULYMPHATIC DRAINAGE OF MAMMARY GLAND
28Mar/22 SPACES OF SCAPULAR REGION & TRIANGLE OF AUSCULTATION March 28, 2022Upper limb videos, videosintermuscular spaces of scapular region, lower triangular spaces, quadrangular space, quadrangular space syndrome, spaces of scapular region, triangle of auscultation, upper triangular spacePOONAM KHARB JANGHUSPACES OF SCAPULAR REGION & TRIANGLE OF AUSCULTATION
28Mar/22 SHOULDER JOINT VIDEO March 28, 2022Uncategorizedblood supply should joint, ligaments of shoulder joint, movements of shoulder joint, nerve supply shoulder joint, relations of shoulder joint, Shoulder joint, shoulder joint anatomy, shoulder joint relationPOONAM KHARB JANGHU SHOULDER JOINT
26Mar/22 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FROM UPPER LIMB March 26, 2022Important questions/topicsanatomy questions, important anatomy topics, upper limb important topics 1st MBBS exam questions, upper limb questionsPOONAM KHARB JANGHUIMPORTANT QUESTIONS FROM UPPER LIMB
26Mar/22 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS THORAX March 26, 2022Important questions/topicsanatomy questions, thorax important topics, thorax questions, umportantquestions anatomyPOONAM KHARB JANGHUIMPORTANT QUESTIONS THORAX