26Mar/22 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS OF LOWER LIMB March 26, 2022Important questions/topics1st MBBS exam questions, important questions anatomy, important questions lower limb, lower limb important topicsPOONAM KHARB JANGHUIMPORTANT QUESTIONS OF LOWER LIMB
26Mar/22 LATERAL WALL OF NOSE VIDEO March 26, 2022Head & Neck Videos, videosarteries supplying lateral wall of nose, inferior meatus, lateral wall of nasal cavity, lateral wall of nose, middle meatus, structures opening in lateral wall of nasal cavity, superior meatusPOONAM KHARB JANGHULATERAL WALL OF NOSE
26Mar/22 NASAL SEPTUM VIDEO March 26, 2022Head & Neck Videos, videosarrteries anastomosing at little's area, arteries supply nasal septum, kiiesselbach's plexus, nasal septum, nasal septum anatomy, nerve supply of nasal septumPOONAM KHARB JANGHUNASAL SEPTUM
26Mar/22 CAVERNOUS SINUS VIDEO March 26, 2022Head & Neck Videos, videoscavenous sinus, cavernous sinus anatomy, cavernous sinus thrombosis, connections of cavernous sinus, structures passing throug cavernous sinus, tributaries of cavenous sinusPOONAM KHARB JANGHUCAVERNOUS SINUS https://youtu.be/yMGwrBRZJxg
26Mar/22 ARTERIAL SUPPLY OF FACE VIDEO March 26, 2022Head & Neck Videos, videosarteies of face, arterial supply of face, branches of facial artery, facial artery, facial artery coursePOONAM KHARB JANGHUARTERIAL SUPPLY OF FACE
26Mar/22 DANGEROUS AREA/TRIANGL OF FACE VIDEO March 26, 2022Head & Neck Videos, videosdangerous area of face, dangerous triangle of vein, facial vein, facial vein communicationsPOONAM KHARB JANGHUDANGEROUS AREA/TRIANGL OF FACE
26Mar/22 WRIST DROP March 26, 2022Upper limb videos, videoscrutch paralysis, policeman's tip, radial nerve injury, radial nerve lesion, wrist drop, wrist drop anatomyPOONAM KHARB JANGHUWRIST DROP
26Mar/22 CARPAL TUNNEL VIDEO March 26, 2022Upper limb videos, videoscarpal tunnel, carpal tunnel anatomy, median nerve, Radial bursa, structures passing superficial to flexor retinaculum, structures passing through carpal tunnel, Ulnar bursaPOONAM KHARB JANGHUCARPAL TUNNEL
26Mar/22 CUBITAL FOSSA VIDEO March 26, 2022Upper limb videos, videosboundaries of cubital fossa, clinical anatomy of cubital fossa, contents of cubital fossa, Cubital fossa, stuctures in roof of cubital fossaPOONAM KHARB JANGHUCUBITAL FOSSA
26Mar/22 ERB’S PALSY/ERB’S PARALYSIS VIDEO March 26, 2022Upper limb videos, videoserb's palsy, Erb's paralysis, Erb's point, upper trunk injury, upper trunk lesionPOONAM KHARB JANGHUERB’s PARALYSIS VIDEO