Anatomical Terminology
Describe Anatomical Position. It is the standard reference position of the body used to describe the location and inter-relationship of various parts and organs of the body. The body is in anatomical positionRead More…
Describe Anatomical Position. It is the standard reference position of the body used to describe the location and inter-relationship of various parts and organs of the body. The body is in anatomical positionRead More…
What is the extent and course of oesophagus ? Oesophagus is a muscular tube that conveys food from the pharynx to the stomach. Extent of oesophagus: it begins as continuation of pharynx inRead More…
Describe the origin, course and termination of thoracic duct. WATCH VIDEO OF THORACIC DUCT [CLICK HERE] Thoracic duct is the largest lymph duct. It has beaded appearance because of the presence of valves.Read More…
What are the characteristic features of coronary arteries? WATCH VIDEO ON CORONARY ARTERIES [CLICK HERE] Coronary arteries are: highly enlarged vasa vasorum that supply the heart. the only arteries that get filledRead More…
What are the chambers of Heart? Heart consists of four chambers Right atrium : Receives the impure blood from the body and the heart itself. Right ventricle: Receives the impure blood fromRead More…
Q1. Enumerate the: adult derivatives of uretric bud. adult derivatives of metanephric blastema. adult derivatives of mesonephric duct in males and females. adult derivatives of paramesonephric ducts in males and females. factorsRead More…
Q1. Enumerate the: derivatives of foregut. derivatives of midgut. derivatives of hindgut. embryological structures that contribute to formation of diaphragm. embryological structures that contribute to formation of liver. most common sites ofRead More…
Q1. Enumerate the: Skeletal and muscular derivatives of 1st pharyngeal/branchial arch. Skeletal and muscular derivatives of 2nd pharyngeal/branchial arch. Skeletal and muscular derivatives of 3rd pharyngeal/branchial arch. Skeletal and muscular derivatives ofRead More…
What is the location and parts of Uterus? Location: Uterus is a fibromuscular organ located in the lesser pelvis between urinary bladder in front and rectum behind. It is pear-shaped. Size in adultRead More…
Development of Cardio-Vascular System Q1. Enumerate the: changes in blood circulation that occur at birth. adult derivatives of right and left subcardinal veins. derivative of right and left 4th aortic arch. derivativesRead More…