Describe the location and boundaries of cubital fossa.
Location: It is a triangular region located in front of the elbow.
- Boundaries:
- Base is formed by imaginary line joining the medial and lateral epicondyles.
- Apex is formed by the point where pronator teres meets brachioradialis.
- Medial boundary is formed by lateral border of pronator teres.
- Lateral boundary is formed by medial border of brachioradialis.

Boundaries of cubital fossa
Enumerate the structures forming roof of cubital fossa.
Structures forming roof are:
- Skin
- Superficial fascia containing
- Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
- Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
- Median cubital vein
- Deep fascia
- Bicipital aponeurosis
Name muscles forming the floor of cubital fossa.
Muscles forming floor are:
- Brachialis
- Supinator
Enumerate the contents of cubital fossa.
Contents from medial to lateral are:
- Median nerve
- Brachial artery and its terminal branches – radial and ulnar arteries
- Tendon of biceps brachii
- Superficial branch of radial nerve

Applied Aspects
Median cubital vein is the vein of choice for venipuncture
Median cubital vein is the vein of choice for venipuncture because
- it is connected to deep vein by perforator vein, therefore it does not slip.
- bicipital aponeurosis in the roof of cubital fossa is deep to median cubital vein and during venipuncture protects the underlying brachial artery and median nerve.
It’s very nice
Nice work
thanks for the knowledge.
look forward for more knowlegdeable and useful information.
Nice learning platform, understand the video lecture than ok
Nice work