Q1. Enumerate the:
- adult derivatives of uretric bud.
- adult derivatives of metanephric blastema.
- adult derivatives of mesonephric duct in males and females.
- adult derivatives of paramesonephric ducts in males and females.
- factors responsible for descent of testes.
- embryological structures that contribute to the formation of male and female urethra.
- sites of ectopic testis.
Q2. Describe briefly :
- Development of kidney.
- Development of testis.
- Development of ovary.
- descent of testis.
Q3. Write embryological basis of the following:
- Horseshoe shaped kidney.
- Accessory renal artries.
- Congenital polycystic kidney disease.
- Urachal fistula, urachal cyst and urachal sinus.
- Extrophy of bladder.
- Duplication of uterus.
- Hypospidias.
- Epispidias.
- Cryptorchidism.