

Hypoglossal nerve is the 12th cranial nerve.  It is purely motor nerve.

Origin: Its nucleus is located in the medulla in the lower part of the floor of the fourth ventricle.

hypoglossal nerve origin

Name the nuclei, functional components and distribution of hypoglossal nerve .

 Following are the nuclei, functional components of hypoglossal nerve:

Function componentNucleusStructures innervated
GSE (General somatic efferent)Hypoglossal nucleus in medulla oblongata All the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue except palatoglossus.

Describe the course of hypoglossal nerve.

Enumerate the branches of Hypoglossal nerve.

  • Meningeal branch:  it arises from the hypoglossal nerve as it comes out via the hypoglossal canal and enters the cranial cavity via the hypoglossal canal and supplies the dura mater of the  posterior cranial fossa.
  • Branches from C1 nerve that joins hypoglossal nerve:
    • Descendens hypoglossi or upper root of ansa cervicalis: It arises as the nerve crosses in front of the internal carotid artery. It runs downward to join the inferior root of ansa cervicalis  to form ansa cervicalis.
    • Nerve to thyrohyoid 
    • Nerve to geniohyoid
  • Branches to all the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue except palatoglossus.

hypoglossal nerve course and branches

Applied Aspect

Lesion of hypoglossal nerve

Lesion on one side results in lower motor neuron type of paralysis of muscles of the tongue. When patient is asked to protrude his/her tongue, the tip of the tongue deviates to the paralyzed side as a result of unopposed action of genioglossus of the healthy side.

lesion of hypoglossal nerve

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