Important Exam Questions on Head & Neck
To know the Answers, please click on the text highlighted in blue.
CLICK ON [Video] to watch the related video on youtube.
- Layers of scalp [Video]
- Sensory nerves supplying scalp. [Video]:Arteries supplying scalp.[Video]
- Arteries supplying face. [Video]
- Components of lacrimal apparatus.
- Structures pierces by parotid duct. [Video]
- Structures passing through the parotid gland. [Video]
- Branches of facial artery. [Video]
- Cutaneous nerve of side of neck and their root values.
- Tributaries of external jugular vein
- Contents of posterior triangle. [Video]
- Contents of carotid triangle. [Video]
- Infrahyoid muscles and their nervedd supply.
- Suprahyoid muscles and their nerve supply
- Muscles supplied by ansa cervicalis.
- Structures forming superficial relations of hyoglossus muscle.
- Structures passing deep to the posterior border of hyoglossus.
- Branches of external carotid artery.
- Branches of cerebral part of internal carotid artery.
- Branches of 1st part of subclavian artery.
- Tributaries of internal jugular vein.
- Medial relations of thyroid gland.
- Branches of 1st part of maxillary artery.
- Branches of 2nd part of maxillary artery.
- Branches of 3rd part of maxillary artery.
- Branches of maxillary nerve.
- Branches of anterior division of mandibular nerve and structures supplied by them.
- Muscles of mastication and their action.
- Branches of posterior division of mandibular nerve and structures supplied by them.
- Muscles of mastication and their nerve supply.
- Contents of infratemporal fossa.
- Components of Waldeyer’s ring.
- Muscles of tongue and their nerve supply.
- Muscles of soft palate and their nerve supply.
- Muscles of pharynx and their nerve supply.
- Structures passing above the superior constrictor of pharynx.
- Structures passing between superior and middle constrictor of pharynx.
- Structures passing between middle and inferior constrictor of pharynx.
- Structures passing below the inferior constrictor of pharynx.
- Cartilages of larynx.
- Muscles of larynx and their action.
- Branches of maxillary nerve.
- Structures opening in superior meatus of nose.
- Structures opening in middle meatus of nose.
- Structures opening in inferior meatus of nose.
- Arteries supplying nasal septum.
- Nerves supplying nasal septum.
- Nerves supplying lateral wall of nose.
- Paired and unpaired dural venous sinuses.
- Structures passing through the lateral wall of cavernous sinus.
- Extra-ocular muscles and their nerve supply.
- Nerves supplying auricle.
- Contents of middle ear cavity/tympanic cavity.
- Muscles in tympanic cavity and their nerve supply.
- Structures attached to the styloid process.
- Muscles attached to the styloid process and their nerve supply.
- Structures passing through superior orbital fissure.
Draw labelled diagram to show:
- Layers of scalp. [Video]
- Sensory innervation of face.
- Components of lacrimal apparatus.
- Relations of parotid gland. [Video]
- Structures emerging from the periphery of parotid gland. [Video]
- Horizontal disposition of deep cervical fascia.
- Carotid sheath.
- Ansa cervicalis.
- Superficial relations of hyoglossus muscle.
- Mandibular nerve and its branches. [Video]
- Sensory innervation of tongue.
- Relations of palatine tonsil.
- Arterial supply of palatine tonsil.
- Arterial supply of nasal septum. [Video]
- Lateral wall of nose with meatuses and structures opening into them. [Video]
- Tympanic membrane
- Relations and contents of tympanic/middle ear cavity.
Write short notes on:
- Lacrimal apparatus[Click here].
- Buccinator muscle[Click here].
- Lymphatic drainage of face[Click here].
- Venous draiage of face[Click here].
- Facial Artery[Click here].[Video]
- Nerve supply of parotid gland[Click here]. [Video]
- Ansa cervicalis[Click here].
- Carotid sheath[Click here].
- Carotid Triangle [Click here] [Video]
- Internal jugular vein [Click here]
- Internal carotid artery[Click here].
- Blood supply of thyroid gland[Click here].
- Otic ganglion[Click here].
- Submandibular ganglion[Click here].
- Submandibular gland[Click here].
- Pterygopalatine ganglion[Click here].
- Temporomandibular joint[Click here].
- Muscles of mastication[Click here].
- Palatine tonsil [Click here].
- Pyriform fossa[Click here].
- Paranasal air sinuses[Click here].
- Extraocular muscles[Click here].
- Cavernous venous sinus[Click here]. [Video]
- Tympanic membrane[Click here].
- Middle ear cavity[Click here].
- Glossopharyngeal nerve[Click here].
- Facial nerve[Click here].
- Mandibular nerve[Click here].[Video]
- Maxillary nerve [click here].[Video]
- Bell’s palsy[Click here].[Video]
- Dangerous area of face[Click here].[Video]
Long questions:
- Describe parotid gland under the following headings:
- Location and parts
- Relations
- Nerve supply
- Applied anatomy
- Describe thyroid gland under the following headings:
- Location and parts.
- Relations
- Blood supply [ Video : blood supply thyroid gland]
- Applied anatomy
- Describe tongue under the following headings:
- Parts
- Muscles
- Nerve supply correlated with development
- Lymphatic drainage
- Applied anatomy
- Describe temporomandibular joint under the following headings:
- Type
- Capsule and ligaments
- Movements and muscles responsible for causing movements
- Applied anatomy
- Describe cavernous sinus under the following headings:
- Location
- Relations
- Tributaries and connections
- Applied anatomy
- Describe palatine tonsil under the following headings:
- Location and external features
- Relations
- Arterial supply
- Applied anatomy
7. Describe facial nerve under the following headings:
a. Functional components
b. Course
c. Branches and distribution
d. Applied aspect
8. Describe glossopharyngeal nerve under the following headings:
a. Functional components
b. Course
c. Branches and distribution
d. Applied aspect
9. Describe oculomotor nerve under the following headings:
a. Functional components
b. Course
c. Branches and distribution
d. Applied aspect
10. Describe hypoglossal nerve under the following headings:
a. Functional components
b. Course
c. Branches and distribution
d. Applied aspect
Give anatomical basis of:
- Dangerous layer of scalp[Click here].
- A blow on head lead to ‘Black eye’[Click here].
- Wounds of scalp bleed profusely[Click here].
- Dangerous area of face[Click here].
- Bell’s palsy[Click here].
- Inflammatory swelling of parotid gland are very painful[Click here].
- Parotid abscess is drained by horizontal incision[Click here].
- Frey’s syndrome[Click here].
- Cut in external jugular vein 1/2 inch above the clavicle may be fatal.
- Formation of calculus is more common in the submandibular gland than parotid gland[Click here].
- For excision of submandibular gland, the incision in the skin should be given approx. 1 inch below the angle of mandible[Click here].
- Thyroid gland moves up and down during swallowing[Click here].
- During thyroidectomy, thyroid gland is removed along with the true capsule[Click here].
- During thyroidectomy, superior throid artery is ligated close to the upper pole of thyroid gland, whereas the inferior thyroid artery is ligated away from the inferior pole[Click here].
- Genioglossus is known as safety muscle of the tongue[Click here].
- Bleeding during tonsillectomy[Click here].
- Quinsy[Click here].
- There may be loss of taste sensation following tonsillectomy[Click here].
- Removal of foreign bodies lodged in pyriform fossa may lead to loss of protective cough reflex[Click here].
- Killian dehiscence and pharyngeal diverticulum[Click here].
- Posterior cricoarytenoid is known as safety muscle of the larynx[Click here].
- Patient having cancer of tongue often complains of earache[Click here].
- Maxillary sinus is the most commonly infected paranasal air sinus[Click here].
- Postero-inferior quadrant of tympanic membrane is the preferred site of incision for draining pus from the middle ear[Click here].
- Optic disc is referred to as ‘blindspot’[Click here].