Important Exam Questions on Thorax
For the Answers, please click on the text highlighted in blue.
- Contents of intercostal space.
- Intercostal muscles and their action.
- Contents of costal groove from above downwards.
- Branches of internal thoracic artery.
- Branches of a typical intercostal nerve. [Video: typical intercostal nerve]
- Medial branches from the thoracic part of sympathetic chain/trunk.
- Differences between right and left lung.
- Structures passing through the hilum of right lung. [Video: Hilum of Lung]
- Structures passing through the hilum of left lung. [Video: Hilum of Lung]
- Structures related to the mediastinal surface of right lung. [Video: Structures related to mediastinal surface of lungs]
- Structures related to the mediastinal surface of left lung. [Video: Structures related to mediastinal surface of lungs]
- Veins opening into right atrium. [Video: Right atrium]
- Differences between right and left ventricle.
- Branches of right coronary artery. [Video: Coronary arteries]
- Branches of left coronary artery. [Video: Coronary arteries]
- Tributaries of coronary sinus.
- Branches of ascending aorta.
- Branches of arch of aorta.
- Main opening of diaphragm and structures passing through them.
- Sites of constrictions of oesophagus.
- Tributaries of thoracic duct. [Video: Thoracic duct]
- Contents of superior mediastinum [Video : Mediastinum]
- Contents of posterior mediastinum [Video : Mediastinum]
Draw labelled diagram to show the following:
- Contents of a typical intercostal space.
- Branches of a typical intercostal nerve. [Video: Typical intercostal nerve]
- Structures passing through the thoracic inlet (transverse section). [Video thoracic inlet]
- Structures passing through hilum of right lung. [Video: Hilum of Lung]
- Structures passing through hilum of left lung. [Video: Hilum of Lung]
- A bronchopulmonary segment. [Video: Bronchopulmonary segments]
- Bronchopulmonary segments of right lung.
- Bronchopulmonary segments of left lung.
- Internal features of right atrium. [Video: Right atrium]
- Arterial supply of heart. [Video: Coronary arteries]
- Venous drainage of heart. [Video: venous drainage of heart]
Write short note/describe briefly
- Intercostal space[Click here]
- Typical intercostal nerve [Click here] [Video: Typical intercostal nerve]
- Right Atrium of heart. [Click Here] [Video: Right atrium]
- Coronary arteries.[Click here] [Video: Coronary arteries]
- Venous drainage of heart.[Click here]. [Video: Venous drainage ]
- Bronchopulmonary segments.[Click here] [Video: Bronchopulmonary segments]
- Pleural recesses.[Click here] [Video: Pleural Recesses]
- Transverse and oblique sinus of heart.[Click here]
- Azygous system of veins[Click here] [ Video: Azygos system of Veins]
- Thoraco-abdominal diaphragm.
- Superficial and deep cardiac plexuses.[Click here]
- Thoracic duct[Click here] [Video: Thoracic duct]
- Superior Mediastinum [Video : Mediastinum]
- Posterior Mediastinum [Video : Mediastinum]
Long Answer Type Questions
Q. Describe coronary arteriesarterial supply of heart under the following headings: [Video: Coronary arteries]
- Origin and course of coronary arteries.
- Branches and distribution.
- Cardiac dominance.
- Applied.
Q. Describe bronchopulmary segments under the following headings: [Video: Bronchopulmonary segments]
- Define bronchopulmonary segment.
- Boundaries and contents of a bronchopulmory segment.
- Number and names of bronchopulmonary segments in right and left lung.
- Applied anatomy.
Q. Describe thoracic duct under the following headings: [Video: Thoracic duct]
- Origin
- Course
- Tributaries and areas drained
- Applied aspect
Write anatomical basis of:
- Thoracic inlet syndrome. [Video thoracic inlet]
- The cardiac pain due to angina pectoris or myocardial infarction is usually referred to the left precordium and medial aspect of left arm and forearm.
- Prognosis of coronary disease is better in old age than in young.
- For aspiration of pleural fluid, the needle is inserted just above the upper border of the rib or in the lower part of intercostal space [Video: Pleural Recesses]
- In inflammation of the mediastinal and central part of diaphragmatic pleura, the pain is referred to the root of neck and the shoulder region [Video: Pleura]
- Oesophageal varices.
- Achalasia cardia.
- Mostly the aspirated foreign bodies are lodged in the right principal bronchus.
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