
For Answers CLICK on ‘[Click here]

Write short notes/Describe briefly:

Head & Neck

  1. Scalp:
    1. Layers of scalp [click here].
    2. Dangerous layer of scalp [click here]
  2. Face:
    1. Sensory supply of face [Click here].
    2. Dangerous area of face[Click here].
    3. Buccinator muscle [Click here].
    4. Bell’s palsy[Click here].
  3.   Parotid gland ( usually long question)
    1. Parotid duct/Stenson’s duct[Click here].
  4. TM joint and muscles of mastication (usually long question)
    1. Movement of Temporomandibular joint[Click here].
    2. Muscles of mastication[Click here].
  5. Teeth
    1. Nerve supply of teeth
    2. Arterial supply of teeth.
  6.  Neck
    1. Boundaries and contents of posterior triangle of neck[Click here].
    2. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia.[Click here].
    3. Carotid triangle [Click here].
    4. Carotid sheath [Click here].
    5. Ansa cerviclis [Click here].
    6. Cervical plexus.
    7. External carotid artery [click here].
    8. Internal jugular vein[Click here].
    9. Deep cervical lymph nodes.
    10. Relations of hyoglossus muscle[click here].
  7.  Submandibular gland ( usually long question)
    1. Submandibular duct/Wharton’s duct [Click here].
  8. Tongue (usually long question)
    1. Lymphatic drainage of tongue.[Click here].
    2. Development of tongue and congenital anomalies.
    3. Lingual artery[Click here].
    4. Lingual nerve[click here].
  9. Palate:
    1. Palatine muscles[Click here].
  10. Palatine Tonsil[Click here].
  11. Waldeyer’s ring of lymphoid tissue.[Click here].
  12. Larynx
    1. Skeleton of larynx[Click here].
    2. muscles of larynx [Click here].
  13. Pharynx
    1. Inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx[Click here].
    2. Pharyngeal diverticulum [Click here]
    3. Nasopharynx[Click here].
  14. Parasympathetic ganglion
    1. Otic ganglion[Click here].
    2. Submandibular ganglion[Click here].
    3. Pterygopalatine ganglion[Click here].
  15. Nose
    1. Little’s area.[Click here].
    2. Lateral wall of nose[Click here].
    3. Middle meatus of nose [Click here].
  16. Paranasal air sinuses
    1. Frontal air sinus[Click here].
    2. Maxillary air sinus[Click here].
    3. Paranasal air sinuses [Click here]
  17. Ear:
    1. Medial wall of middle ear.[Click here].
    2. Tympanic cavity/middle ear [Click here]
  18.  Orbit:
    1. Muscles and Movements of eyeball[Click here]..
  19. Styloid process/styloid apparatus[Click here].
  20. Maxillary nerve [Click here].
  21. Cavernous venous sinus ( usually long question)


  1. Visual pathway[Click here].
  2. Circle of Willis[Click here].
  3. Internal capsule.[Click here].
  4. Blood brain barrier.
  5. Floor of IVth ventricle [Click here].
  6. TS of midbrain at the level of superior colliculus (diagram[Click here].
  7. Parkinsonism [click here]


  1. Microanatomy of tongue.
  2. Microanatomy of tonsil.
  3. Microanatomy of parotid gland.
  4. Microanatomy of mixed salivary gland.
  5. Microanatomy of thyroid gland
  6. Microanatomy of oesophagus.
  7. Microscopic structure of compact and cancellous bone.
  8. microscopic anatomy of hyaline cartilage.
  9. microscopic anatomy of thymus.
  10. Microscopic anatomy of lymph node.
  11. microscopic anatomy of liver.
  12. Microscopic structure of trachea.


  1. Development of face and  its congenital anomalies.
  2. Development of palate.
  3. Cleft palate and cleft lip.
  4. Derivatives of  branchial/pharyngeal arches and pouches.
  5. Cervical sinus.
  6. Development of thyroid gland and its anomalies.
  7. Development of tongue and correlate it with its development.
  8. Anomalies of placenta.

General Anatomy, Rest of the Body and Genetics
1. Joints: types of cartilaginous and fibrous joints with examples.

2.  Upper limb:

  1.  shoulder joint
  2. cubitalfossa
  3. carpal tunnel
  4. branches of cords of brachial plexus.
  5. Applied: anatomical basis of Erb’s palsy, Kulumpke’s palsy, winging of scapula, wrist drop, claw hand, ape thumb deformity and carpal tunnel syndrome.

3.Lower limb:

  1. femoral triangle
  2. popliteal fossa
  3. hamstring miscles
  4.  anatomical basis of meralgia paraesthetica, Foot drop

4. Genetics:

  1. Congenital syndromes: down syndrome, turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome.
  2.  Karyotyping
  3. Amniocentesis.
  4. Barr body
  5.  Autosomal dominant  inheritance, autosomalrecessive inheritance, X-linked recessive inheritance.

Enumerate the following:

  1. Sensory nerves supplying face[Click here]..
  2. Paranasal sinuses.[Click here].
  3. Structures attached to styloid process.[Click here].
  4. Muscles supplied by oculomotor nerve.[Click here].
  5. Branches of subclavian artery.[Click here].
  6. Structures passing through internal acoustic meatus.

Explain the anatomical basis of the following:

  1. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve hooks around the arch of aorta, whereas the right recurrent laryngeal nerve hooks around the right subclavian artery.
  2. Corneal reflex.[Click here].
  3. Wounds of scalp bleed profusely.[Click here].
  4. Enlargement of thyroid gland results in dyspnoea and dysphagia.[Click here].


6 thoughts on “BDS – Short Notes Important Questions

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