
Describe the type and articular surfaces of elbow joint.

Type: It is a hinge variety of synovial joint. It is a compound joint as three bones take part in this articulation ( humerus, ulna  and radius) .

Articular surfaces: Elbow joint consists of two articulations.

  • Humero-ulnar articulation is between trochlea of humerus and trochlear notch of ulna.
  • Humero-radial articulation is between the capitulum of humerus and superior surface of head of radius.

Articular surfaces of elbow joint

Describe the capsule and ligaments of elbow joint.

Fibrous Capsule :

  • It is lax and thin anteriorly to allow the flexion and extension movements and is strengthened on either side by the collateral ligaments.
  • Above it is attached to the medial epicondyle, margins of coronoid, radial and olecronon fossa, and lateral epicondyle.
  • Below it is attached to the anterior and medial margin of coronoid process and upper and medial margin of olecranon process of ulna, and  the annular ligament ( is nor attached to radius).

attachment of articular capsule of elbow joint


  • Ulnar collateral ligament:
    • Is triangular in shape.
    • It extends from medial epicondyle of humerus to the upper end of ulna.
    • It consists of three parts – anterior , inferior  and posterior.
    • Attachment:
      • Superiorly: it is  attached is to the medial epicondyle.
      • Inferiorly: the anterior thick band is attached to the medial margin of coronoid process. The posterior band is attached to the medial margin of olecranon process and the inferior thick transverse  part extends from olecranon to coronoid process.
    • It is related to the ulnar nerve.
  • Radial collateral ligament:
    • It extends from lateral epicondyle of humerus to the annular ligament.

ulnar collateral ligamentradial collateral ligament

Describe the movements of elbow joint.

MovementMuscles responsible for the movement
Biceps brachii
Brachioradialis ( in midprone position)

What are the relations of elbow joint?

  • Anterior:  Brachialis muscle and anterior to brachialis are- medial nerve, brachial artery and tendon of biceps brachii.
  • Posterior: Triceps and anconeus.
  • Lateral: Extensor carpi radialis brevis, supinator and common origin of extensors of forearm.
  • Medial: Ulnar nerve, flexor carpi ulnaris and common origin of flexors of forearm.

Name the arteries and nerves that supply elbow joint?

Blood Supply: by branches from arterial anastomosis around elbow which is formed by the branches of brachial, profunda brachii, ulnar and radial arteries.

Nerve Supply: By branches from musculocutaneous, medial, ulnar and radial nerves.

Applied Aspects

Subluxation of head of radius/Pulled elbow

It occurs in children below 4 years when the forearm is suddenly pulled in pronated position. The head of radius comes out of the annular ligament.

Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis)

It occurs due to strain or tear of common flexor origin and inflammation of medial epicondyle. It is characterized by pain and tenderness over medial epicondyle.

Tennis elbow ( lateral epicondylitis)

 It occurs due to strain or tear of common extensor origin and inflammation of lateral epicondyle. It is characterized by pain and tenderness over lateral epicondyle.

Student’s elbow/Miner’s elbow

It occurs due to inflammation of subcutaneous olecranon bursa over the triangular posterior surface of olecranon process. it is characterized by painful swelling over the olecranon process.

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