
Important Exam Questions on Lower limb

 For answers, please click on text highlighted in blue.


  1. Structures piercing cribriform fascia passing through saphenous opening. [ for Video: Click]
  2. Branches of femoral artery.
  3. Muscles supplied by femoral nerve. [Video]
  4. Branches of profunda femoris artery.
  5. Muscles supplied by obturator nerve.
  6. Structures passing through the greater sciatic foramen.
  7. Structures passing through the lesser sciatic foramen.
  8. Arteries participating in trochanteric anastomosis.
  9. Arteries participating in cruciate anastomosis.
  10. Hamstring muscles and their nerve supply.
  11. Branches of tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa.
  12. Branches of popliteal artery.
  13. Areas of lower limb draining into inguinal lymph nodes
  14. Muscles of the anterior/extensor compartment of leg and their nerve supply.
  15. Muscles of the lateral/peroneal compartment of leg and their nerve supply.
  16. Muscles of the posterior/flexor compartment of leg and their nerve supply.
  17. Structures passing deep to superior extensor retinaculum from medial to lateral side.
  18. Structures passing deep to flexor retinaculum from medial to lateral side.
  19. Muscles inserted on the upper part of the medial surface of tibia and their nerve supply.
  20. Muscles responsible for dorsiflexion of foot.
  21. Muscles responsible for plantar flexion of foot.
  22. Muscles responsible for inversion of foot.
  23. Muscles responsible for eversion of foot.
  24. Muscles supplied by deep peroneal nerve.
  25. Muscles supplied by superficial peroneal nerve.
  26. Muscles supplied by medial planter nerve
  27. Muscles supplied by lateral plantar nerve.

 Describe briefly/write short notes on:

  1. Modifications of deep fascia [Click here]  [ for Video: Click]
  2. Femoral triangle (location, boundaries, contents and applied)[Click here].  [For Video: Click Here]
  3. Femoral sheath  (formation, compartments, contents and applied)[Click here]. [For Video: Click Here]
  4. Femoral canal and femoral hernia[Click here].
  5. Adductor canal[Click here]. [For Video: Click Here]
  6. Hamstring muscles[Click here].
  7. Action of gluteus medius & minimus & Trendelenburg’s sign[Click here].
  8. Popliteal fossa[Click here].
  9. Arches of foot[Click here].
  10. Venous drainage of lower limb[Click here].[Video – Click]
  11. Lymphatic drainage of lower limb[Click here].

Write anatomical basis of:

  1. Meralgia paresthetica.
  2. Sleeping foot[Click here].
  3. Foot drop[Click here].
  4. Medial meniscus of knee joint is more commonly injured as compared to lateral meniscus[Click here].

Long Answer type Questions

Q. Describe the venous drainage of lower limb under the following heading: [Video – Click Here]

  1. Superficial, perforating and deep veins
  2. Factors that help in venous return
  3. Applied anatomy

Q. Describe hip joint under the following headings: For Video [Click Here]

  1. Type of joint and articular surfaces
  2. Capsule and ligaments
  3. Movements and muscles responsible
  4. Applied anatomy

Q. Describe knee joint under the following headings:

  1. Type of joint and articular surfaces
  2. Capsule and ligaments
  3. Movements and muscles responsible
  4. Applied anatomy

Q. Describe femoral nerve under the following headings:              Video on FEMORAL NERVE [Click Here for Video]

  1.  Origin
  2. Course
  3. Structures innervated ( motor and sensory nerve supply)
  4. Applied

Q. Describe sciatic nerve under the following headings:

  1. Origin
  2. Course
  3. Structures innervated (motor and sensory nerve supply)
  4. Applied

Q. Describe deep peroneal nerve under the following headings:

  1.  Origin
  2. Course
  3. Structures innervated ( motor and sensory nerve supply)
  4. Applied

 Draw labelled diagrams of the following:

  1. Boundaries and contents of femoral triangle[Click here].    [For Video: Click Here]
  2. Femoral sheath[Click here]. [For Video: Click Here]
  3. Boundaries and contents of popliteal fossa[Click here].
  4. Adductor canal[Click here].


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