
 Enumerate the contents of posterior compartment of thigh.

The posterior compartment of the thigh contains the knee flexors and hip extensors.It has the following muscles, nerves and vessels:
Muscles (Hamstring Muscles)
o Semimembranosus
o Semitendinosus
o Biceps femoris
o Ischial part of adductor magnus
o Sciatic nerve
o Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
Blood vessels
o Vascular anastomosis between the branches of four perforating branches of profundal femoris artery.

What are the common characteristic features of hamstring muscles?

The Hamstring muscles include (all the muscles of posterior compartment of thigh EXCEPT short head of biceps femoris):

  • Semimbranosus
  • Semitendinousus
  • Long head of biceps femoris
  • And ischial fibers of adductor magnus

    They have the following characteristic features:

  • They take origin from ischial tuberosity
  • They are inserted beyond the knee joint, on tibia or fibula.
  • They are supplied by tibial part of sciatic nerve (short head of biceps femoris is supplied by common peroneal nerve).
  • They are extensors of hip joint and flexors of knee joint

Write the origin, insertion and action of muscles of posterior compartment of thigh.

MuscleOriginInsertionActionNerve supply
SemimembranosusSuperolateral part of upper quadtrilateral area of ischial tuberosityHorizontal groove on the posterior aspect of medial condyle of tibiaHip joint- ExtensionTibial part of Sciatic nerve
Knee joint – Flexion, in semiflexed knee – medial rotation


MuscleOriginInsertionActionNerve supply
SemitendinosusInferomedial part of upper quadtrilateral area of ischial tuberosityUpper part of medial surface of tibiaHip joint- ExtensionTibial part of Sciatic nerve
Knee joint – Flexion, in semiflexed knee – Medial rotation


MuscleOriginInsertionActionNerve supply
Biceps femoris Long head: Inferomedial part of upper quadtrilateral area of ischial tuberosityHead of fibula in front of styloid processHip joint- ExtensionTibial part of Sciatic nerve
*Short head:
Lateral lip of linea aspera and upper 2/3rd of supracondylar line.
Knee joint – Flexion, in semiflexed knee – Lateral rotationCommon peroneal part of sciatic nerve

Biceps femoris

MuscleOriginInsertionActionNerve supply
Ischial part of adductor magusInferolateral part of lower triangular area of ischial tuberosity .Adductor tubercleHip joint- ExtensionTibial Part of sciatic nerve

Ischial head of adductor magnus


Ischial part of adductor magnus was primitively inserted on medial condyle of tibia, which got subsequently shifted to adductor tubercle. The tibial collateral ligament represents the primitive insertion.

5 thoughts on “Posterior Compartment of Thigh

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