
 What is the extent of Submandibular Region?

Submandibular region (area marked with yellow line in the diagram below) is located between the body of mandible and hyoid bone. Superficial structures in this region are located in the submental and digastric triangles. The deeper structures include contents of floor of mouth and root of tongue.

extent of submandibular region

 Enumerate the contents of Submandibular Region?

Following are the contents of submandibular region:

Type of structureName of the structure
Suprahyoid MusclesDiagastric, Stylohyoid, Mylohyoid, Geniohyoid
Muscles of tongue Hyoglossus , Styloglossus, Genioglossus
Salivary GlandsSubmandibular and sublinual
NervesLingual , Hypoglossal, Glosspharyngeal
Blood vesselsFacial artery, Lingual artery, Veins of tongue
Lymph nodesSubmandibular lymph nodes
GanglionSubmandibular ganglion

Name the structures related to the superficial surface of Hyoglossus Muscle.

Structures related to the superficial surface of hyoglossus muscle from above downwards are:

 Name the structures passing deep to posterior border of Hyoglossus Muscle

Structures passing deep to the posterior border of hyoglossus muscle are:

  • Stylohyoid ligament
  • Glossopharyngeal nerve
  • Lingual artery

 superficial relations of hyoglossus muscle

For Submandibular gland and  Submandibular ganglion, please click on the links given below:

Submandibular gland

Submandibular ganglion

3 thoughts on “Submandibular Region

  1. wow these are beautiful well detailed videos which i find to be concise and easy to understand but can you please if u may , make a video on thus one just like the other topics like carotid triangle for example that for each and every concept , hearing and seeing you illustrate concepts helps a long way

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