

For the Answers, please click on the text highlighted in blue/red.


  1. Structures piercing clavipectoral fascia.
  2. Contents of axilla. [Video Axilla]
  3. Branches of lateral cord of brachial plexus. [Video brachial plexus]
  4. Branches of medial cord of brachial plexus.
  5. Branches of posterior cord of brachial plexus.
  6. Branches of  3rd part of axillary artery. [Video Axillary artery]
  7. Muscles forming musculotendinous cuff/rotator cuff and their nerve supply.
  8. Muscles of anterior/flexor compartment of arm and their nerve supply/ muscles supplied by musculocutaneous nerve.[Video Muscles of upper limb and nerve supply]
  9. Muscle attached to the medial border of scapula. [Video Scapula]
  10. Structures attached to coracoid process of scapula.[ Video Scapula]
  11. Muscles responsible for abduction at shoulder joint. [ Video Shoulder joint]
  12. Contents of cubital fossa. [ Video Cubita fossa]
  13. Muscles supplied by median nerve in the forearm.[Video Muscles of upper limb and nerve supply]
  14. Muscles supplied by ulnar nerve in the forearm.[Video Muscles of upper limb and nerve supply]
  15. Muscles responsible for pronation and supination and their nerve supply.
  16. Structures passing superficial to flexor retinaculum from lateral to medial . [ Video Carpal tunnel]
  17. Structures passing through carpal tunnel/deep to flexor retinaculum.[Video Carpal tunnel]
  18. Structures passing deep to extensor retinaculum from lateral to medial.
  19. Muscles supplied by median nerve in hand.[Video Muscles of upper limb and nerve supply]
  20. Muscles supplied by ulnar nerve in hand.[Video Muscles of upper limb and nerve supply]

Write short notes on:

  1. Lymphatic drainage of mammary gland.[Click here] [Video]
  2. Rotator cuff /musculotendinous cuff muscles.[Click here]
  3. Abduction at shoulder joint.[Click here] [Video Shoulder joint]
  4. Cubital fossa.[Click here] [Video Cubita fossa]
  5. Carpal tunnel.[Click here] [ Video Carpal tunnel]
  6. Anatomical snuff box [Click here]
  7. Supination and pronation  of forearm[Click here]
  8. Mid palmar spaces.[Click here] [ Video Palmar spaces]
  9. Movements at first carpometacarpal joint.[Click here]
  10. Elbow joint.[Click here]
  11. Radioulnar joints.[Click here]
  12. Lumbricals.[Click here]
  13. Interrossei.[Click here]

Draw labelled diagrams of the following:

  1. Brachial plexus.[Click here]
  2. Anastomosis around scapula.[Click here]
  3. Boundaries and contents of cubital fossa.[Click here]
  4. Anastomosis around elbow.[Click here]
  5. Boundaries and contents of axilla.[Click here]
  6. Cutaneous Innervation (sensory nerve supply ) of hand.[Click here]Cutaneous Innervation of Hand

Long answer type questions

Q. Describe the brachial plexus under the following headings: [Video brachial plexus]

  1. Formation and parts
  2. Branches
  3. Applied aspect

Q. Describe the cubital fossa under the following headings:[Video Cubital fossa]

  1. Location
  2. Boundaries
  3. Contents
  4. Applied aspect

Q. Describe the shoulder joint under the following headings:[Video Shoulder joint]

  1.  Type and articular surfaces.
  2. Capsule and ligaments
  3. Movements and muscles producing them
  4. Applied aspect

Q. Describe the  axillary/musculocutaneous/ulnar/radial/median nerve  under the following headings:

  1.  Origin and root value
  2. Course
  3.  Distribution/structures supplied
  4. Applied anatomy

Write anatomical basis of :

  1. Erb’s paralysis[Click here] [Video Erb’s paralysis]
  2. Klumpke’s paralysis[Click here] [Video Klumpke’s paralysis]
  3. Winging of scapula[Click here] [Video winging of scapula]
  4. Wrist drop[Click here][Video wrist drop]
  5. Claw hand[Click here]
  6. Carpal tunnel syndrome[Click here] (video carpal tunnel and syndrome]
  7. Student’s elbow[Click here]
  8. Tennis elbow[Click here]
  9. Pulsating scapula[Click here]
  10. Median cubital vein is the vein of choice for venipuncture.[Click here] [Video Cubita fossa]
  11. Mammary gland abscess is drained by radial incision.[Click here]
  12. Infection of pulp space of digits may cause necrosis of distal 4/5th of terminal phalanx.[Click here
  13. Infections of thumb and little finger are more dangerous than of the other fingers.[Click here]


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