For the Answers, please click on the text highlighted in blue/red.
- Structures piercing clavipectoral fascia.
- Contents of axilla. [Video Axilla]
- Branches of lateral cord of brachial plexus. [Video brachial plexus]
- Branches of medial cord of brachial plexus.
- Branches of posterior cord of brachial plexus.
- Branches of 3rd part of axillary artery. [Video Axillary artery]
- Muscles forming musculotendinous cuff/rotator cuff and their nerve supply.
- Muscles of anterior/flexor compartment of arm and their nerve supply/ muscles supplied by musculocutaneous nerve.[Video Muscles of upper limb and nerve supply]
- Muscle attached to the medial border of scapula. [Video Scapula]
- Structures attached to coracoid process of scapula.[ Video Scapula]
- Muscles responsible for abduction at shoulder joint. [ Video Shoulder joint]
- Contents of cubital fossa. [ Video Cubita fossa]
- Muscles supplied by median nerve in the forearm.[Video Muscles of upper limb and nerve supply]
- Muscles supplied by ulnar nerve in the forearm.[Video Muscles of upper limb and nerve supply]
- Muscles responsible for pronation and supination and their nerve supply.
- Structures passing superficial to flexor retinaculum from lateral to medial . [ Video Carpal tunnel]
- Structures passing through carpal tunnel/deep to flexor retinaculum.[Video Carpal tunnel]
- Structures passing deep to extensor retinaculum from lateral to medial.
- Muscles supplied by median nerve in hand.[Video Muscles of upper limb and nerve supply]
- Muscles supplied by ulnar nerve in hand.[Video Muscles of upper limb and nerve supply]
Write short notes on:
- Lymphatic drainage of mammary gland.[Click here] [Video]
- Rotator cuff /musculotendinous cuff muscles.[Click here]
- Abduction at shoulder joint.[Click here] [Video Shoulder joint]
- Cubital fossa.[Click here] [Video Cubita fossa]
- Carpal tunnel.[Click here] [ Video Carpal tunnel]
- Anatomical snuff box [Click here]
- Supination and pronation of forearm[Click here]
- Mid palmar spaces.[Click here] [ Video Palmar spaces]
- Movements at first carpometacarpal joint.[Click here]
- Elbow joint.[Click here]
- Radioulnar joints.[Click here]
- Lumbricals.[Click here]
- Interrossei.[Click here]
Draw labelled diagrams of the following:
- Brachial plexus.[Click here]
- Anastomosis around scapula.[Click here]
- Boundaries and contents of cubital fossa.[Click here]
- Anastomosis around elbow.[Click here]
- Boundaries and contents of axilla.[Click here]
- Cutaneous Innervation (sensory nerve supply ) of hand.[Click here]Cutaneous Innervation of Hand
Long answer type questions
Q. Describe the brachial plexus under the following headings: [Video brachial plexus]
- Formation and parts
- Branches
- Applied aspect
Q. Describe the cubital fossa under the following headings:[Video Cubital fossa]
- Location
- Boundaries
- Contents
- Applied aspect
Q. Describe the shoulder joint under the following headings:[Video Shoulder joint]
- Type and articular surfaces.
- Capsule and ligaments
- Movements and muscles producing them
- Applied aspect
Q. Describe the axillary/musculocutaneous/ulnar/radial/median nerve under the following headings:
- Origin and root value
- Course
- Distribution/structures supplied
- Applied anatomy
Write anatomical basis of :
- Erb’s paralysis[Click here] [Video Erb’s paralysis]
- Klumpke’s paralysis[Click here] [Video Klumpke’s paralysis]
- Winging of scapula[Click here] [Video winging of scapula]
- Wrist drop[Click here][Video wrist drop]
- Claw hand[Click here]
- Carpal tunnel syndrome[Click here] (video carpal tunnel and syndrome]
- Student’s elbow[Click here]
- Tennis elbow[Click here]
- Pulsating scapula[Click here]
- Median cubital vein is the vein of choice for venipuncture.[Click here] [Video Cubita fossa]
- Mammary gland abscess is drained by radial incision.[Click here]
- Infection of pulp space of digits may cause necrosis of distal 4/5th of terminal phalanx.[Click here]
- Infections of thumb and little finger are more dangerous than of the other fingers.[Click here]
Very good
The questions are within the standard required for any serious Basic Medical School Anatomy.
The work is great
The questions are awesome .. Post some more
Great composition…helpful
Mam you are the best.. your question bank content is very helpful

Thank you…it really useful for me